Determinants of residential dissonance: Implications for transit-oriented development in Brisbane

Kamruzzaman, Md., Baker, Douglas, Washington, Simon, & Turrell, Gavin, 2016, in International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

Location Brisbane
Population Seniors
Sample size 4290
Factor analysis type exploratory factor analysis, Oblique rotation
Stepwise regression no
Removal of insignificant variables nan
Reviewed by AR


Residential dissonance is the mismatch of land use patterns between individuals' actual and preferred neighborhood type. It is a threat to land-use-based policy interventions, such as transit-oriented development (TOD), which aims to enhance sustainable mobility behavior. Dissonants in TOD are more likely to use the car and less likely to use public transport. They do not naturally adjust their preferences according to their surrounding land use patterns and continue their predisposed travel behavior. Therefore, it is critical to identify dissonant groups to inform policy development to lessen the level of dissonance in TODs. This research identifies groups that are more likely to be dissonant in TOD/non-TOD areas in Brisbane. The living conditions of 6271 individuals were classified into TOD or non-TOD types based on a cluster analysis of built environmental factors. Individuals' preferred neighborhoods were also categorized into TOD and non-TOD types based on a factor analysis of travel attitudes and preferences. Four unique groups were identified (dissonants and consonants in both TOD and non-TOD areas) when respondents' actual and preferred neighborhood types were combined. Binary logistic regression analyses were employed to identify the determinants of residential dissonance in TOD/non-TOD areas. The results indicate that 30% of the respondents living in TOD areas are dissonants. Individuals who are male, have a car available at all times, and/or have poor health conditions were more likely to be dissonants in TOD areas in Brisbane. Ā© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



Dependent variable TOD dissonants (1) vs. TOD consonants (0)
Model type binary logit
Sample size 991.0
R2 nan
Adjusted R2
Pseudo R2 (Nagelkerke) 0.078
AIC nan
BIC nan
Log-likelihood at zero nan
Log-likelihood at constants nan
Log-likelihood at convergence -574.51
Variable Coefficient p-value
Female -0.272 0.056
Car availability: sometime (ref: always) -0.759 0.021
Car availability: no (ref: always) -2.061 0.001
Car availability: do not drive (ref: always) -3.065 0.003
Health status -0.179 0.018
Constant 0.033 0.901
Dependent variable non-TOD dissonants (1) vs. non-TOD consonants (0)
Model type binary logit
Sample size 5280.0
R2 nan
Adjusted R2
Pseudo R2 (Nagerlkerke) 0.039
AIC nan
BIC nan
Log-likelihood at zero nan
Log-likelihood at constants nan
Log-likelihood at convergence -3450.057
Variable Coefficient p-value
Age 0.011 0.022
Car availability: sometime (ref: always) 0.743 0
Car availability: no (ref: always) 1.212 0
Car availability: do not drive (ref: always) 1.362 0
Employment: working full time (ref: non-working) -0.275 0
Employment: missing (ref: non-working) -0.294 0.745
Health status 0.169 0
Income: third quartile (ref: first quartile) 0.139 0.044
Income: missing(ref: first quartile) -0.233 0.007
Living arrangement: single parent with kids (ref: single) -0.273 0.023
Living arrangement: couple with no kids (ref: single) -0.177 0.011
Living arrangement: other (ref: single) -0.313 0.086
Constant -0.523 0.061

The Attitudes and Travel Database is produced with support from the Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks at Arizona State University, a University Transportation Center sponsored by the US Department of Transportation through Grant No. 69A3551747116.
