Role of social climate in transit use by young adults to work and leisure activities: Evidence from Colombia and Mexico

Salvá, Sierra, Alanis, Kaplan, and Prato, 2015, in Transportation Research Record

Location Medellin, Bogota, Mexico City, and Monterrey
Population Other (specify)
Sample size 801
Factor analysis type exploratory factor analysis, varimax rotation
Stepwise regression no
Removal of insignificant variables nan
Reviewed by MWC


As mobility has increasingly become a vehicle for producing meaning and culture, and public transport has traditionally formed a dense and diverse social climate in which social interactions habitually occur, assessing the relationship between social climate and transit use is extremely important, especially in the younger populations that will shape the future of transport systems. This study proposes a behavioral framework founded on the theory of planned behavior and the social climate model. The study presents a tailor-made, web-based survey and a structural equation model for analyzing transit use as a function of attitudes toward public transport, subjective norms, social ambience in public transport, travel independence and autonomy, family (house) rules, and perceived quality of service. This study focuses on transit systems in cities in North and South America that have a much higher public transport ridership, tighter design standards in terms of personal space, and a higher degree of informal social interaction than transit systems in Europe, where previous studies have been conducted. Estimation results from a structural equations model show that (a) transit use frequency is significantly related to the perceived behavioral control of using transit and the social climate; (b) attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control are associated with perceived service quality; (c) gender differences exist in the user experience and appreciation of the social climate in transit; and (d) the residential social climate is linked to the transit social climate.



Source variable Target variable Effect p-value Effect type
Age in years Pro-transit subjective norms -0.014 0.0 direct_effect
Reside with family Pro-transit subjective norms 0.143 0.012 direct_effect
Reside in Bogotá Pro-transit subjective norms 0.206 0.044 direct_effect
Reside in Mexico City Pro-transit subjective norms 0.282 0.0 direct_effect
Reside in Monterrey Pro-transit subjective norms -0.262 0.0 direct_effect
Monthly expenses 1000-1250 USD Pro-transit subjective norms -0.128 0.006 direct_effect
Monthly expenses 1500-1750 USD Pro-transit subjective norms -0.191 0.021 direct_effect
Monthly expenses 2000-2250 USD Pro-transit subjective norms -0.186 0.024 direct_effect
Daily car availability Pro-transit subjective norms -0.214 0.0 direct_effect
Car availability 2-3 times weekly Pro-transit subjective norms -0.122 0.002 direct_effect
Transit distance to home Pro-transit subjective norms -0.009 0.002 direct_effect
Transit distance to work Pro-transit subjective norms 0.004 0.1 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at night Pro-transit subjective norms -0.003 0.079 direct_effect
Transit service quality Pro-transit subjective norms 0.079 0.009 direct_effect
Male Transit social climate appreciation 0.087 0.003 direct_effect
Age in years Transit social climate appreciation -0.004 0.164 direct_effect
Reside with friends Transit social climate appreciation 0.117 0.067 direct_effect
Reside in Mexico City Transit social climate appreciation -0.184 0.013 direct_effect
Car 2-3 times a month Transit social climate appreciation 0.129 0.09 direct_effect
Transit service quality Transit social climate appreciation 0.121 0.0 direct_effect
Pro-transit subjective norms Transit social climate appreciation 0.244 0.0 direct_effect
Male Pro-car house rules -0.266 0.0 direct_effect
Reside with parents Pro-car house rules -0.336 0.004 direct_effect
Reside with family Pro-car house rules -0.274 0.04 direct_effect
Reside with friends Pro-car house rules -0.22 0.104 direct_effect
Reside in Monterrey Pro-car house rules 0.486 0.0 direct_effect
Daily car availability Pro-car house rules 0.463 0.0 direct_effect
Car availability 2-3 times weekly Pro-car house rules 0.222 0.015 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at habitual leisure destinations Pro-car house rules 0.009 0.06 direct_effect
Reside with friends Car-related travel independence -0.277 0.025 direct_effect
Reside in Monterrey Car-related travel independence 0.474 0.0 direct_effect
Employed Car-related travel independence 0.142 0.119 direct_effect
Daily car availability Car-related travel independence 0.646 0.0 direct_effect
Car availability 2-3 times weekly Car-related travel independence 0.359 0.0 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at work Car-related travel independence 0.007 0.086 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at night Car-related travel independence 0.005 0.097 direct_effect
Transit service quality Car-related travel independence -0.225 0.0 direct_effect
Reside with friends Perceived behavioral control using transit 0.126 0.026 direct_effect
Reside in Mexico City Perceived behavioral control using transit 0.238 0.002 direct_effect
Daily car availability Perceived behavioral control using transit -0.306 0.0 direct_effect
Car availability 2-3 times weekly Perceived behavioral control using transit -0.109 0.007 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at night Perceived behavioral control using transit -0.003 0.039 direct_effect
Transit service quality Perceived behavioral control using transit 0.094 0.002 direct_effect
Male Positive transit customer experience 0.054 0.062 direct_effect
Reside in Bogotá Positive transit customer experience -0.21 0.042 direct_effect
Reside in Medellin Positive transit customer experience -0.128 0.022 direct_effect
Reside in Mexico City Positive transit customer experience -0.368 0.0 direct_effect
Reside in Monterrey Positive transit customer experience -0.137 0.034 direct_effect
Transit waiting time at home Positive transit customer experience -0.008 0.001 direct_effect
Transit distance from habitual leisure destinations Positive transit customer experience -0.004 0.098 direct_effect
Transit service quality Positive transit customer experience 0.236 0.0 direct_effect
Transit social climate appreciation Transit use frequency 0.228 0.048 direct_effect
Pro-car house rules Transit use frequency -0.367 0.0 direct_effect
Car-related travel independence Transit use frequency -0.359 0.0 direct_effect
Perceived behavioral control using transit Transit use frequency 1.004 0.0 direct_effect
Positive transit customer experience Transit use frequency 0.233 0.058 direct_effect
Transit use frequency Transit as the preferred travel mode for mandatory activities 0.694 0.0 direct_effect
Transit use frequency Transit as the preferred travel mode for nonmandatory activities 0.406 0.0 direct_effect

The Attitudes and Travel Database is produced with support from the Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks at Arizona State University, a University Transportation Center sponsored by the US Department of Transportation through Grant No. 69A3551747116.
