The influences of the built environment and residential self-selection on pedestrian behavior: evidence from Austin, TX

Cao, Handy, and Mokhtarian, 2006, in Transportation

Location Austin, TX
Population General
Sample size 1368
Factor analysis type confirmatory factor analysis, unknown rotation
Stepwise regression no
Removal of insignificant variables yes
Reviewed by NAH



Dependent variable Strolling frequency
Model type Negitive Binomial
Sample size 1182.0
R2 nan
Adjusted R2
Pseudo R2 (Deviance) 0.131
AIC nan
BIC nan
Log-likelihood at zero nan
Log-likelihood at constants -3888.173
Log-likelihood at convergence -3792.371
Variable Coefficient p-value
Constant -0.405 0.177
Stores within walking distance important 0.11 0
Perception of neighborhood safety 0.225 0
Perception of neighborhood shade 0.158 0
Perception of neighborhood traffic 0.071 0.063
Perception of neighborhood people 0.146 0.003
Pet to walk 0.686 0
Age 0.008 0.026
Full-time worker -0.234 0.015
Presence of kids (<5 years- in the household) 0.301 0.014
Dependent variable Frequency of walking to the store
Model type Negitive Binomial
Sample size 1182.0
R2 nan
Adjusted R2
Pseudo R2 (Deviance) 0.379
AIC nan
BIC nan
Log-likelihood at zero nan
Log-likelihood at constants -1662.02
Log-likelihood at convergence -1490.75
Variable Coefficient p-value
Constant -0.405 0
Stores within walking distance important -0.013 0
Traffic volume (thousand vehicles per day) 0.88 0.064
Pedestrian connections 0.198 0
Perception of stores 0.31 0
Perception of walk advantage 0.209 0
Perception of walk comfort 0.149 0.004
Perception of neighborhood traffic -0.983 0.011
Miles to the nearest store -0.234 0
Female -0.224 0.041
Age -0.013 0.009
Full-time worker -0.317 0.016
Presence of kids (<5 years- in the household -0.36 0.027
Household Income -0.1 0.015

The Attitudes and Travel Database is produced with support from the Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks at Arizona State University, a University Transportation Center sponsored by the US Department of Transportation through Grant No. 69A3551747116.
