The effects of activity-travel context and individual attitudes on car-sharing decisions under travel time uncertainty: A hybrid choice modeling approach

Kim, Rasouli, and Timmermans, 2017, in Transportation Research Part D

Location Netherlands
Population Other (specify)
Sample size 791
Factor analysis type confirmatory factor analysis, nan rotation
Stepwise regression no
Removal of insignificant variables no
Reviewed by MWC


People's daily decision to use car-sharing rather than other transport modes for conducting a specific activity has been investigated recently in assessing the market potential of car-sharing systems. Most studies have estimated transport mode choice models with an extended choice set using attributes such as average travel time and costs. However, car-sharing systems have some distinctive features: users have to reserve a car in advance and pay time-based costs for using the car. Therefore, the effects of activity-travel context and travel time uncertainty require further consideration in models that predict car-sharing demand. Moreover, the relationships between individual latent attitudes and the intention to use car-sharing have not yet been investigated in much detail. In contributing to the research on car-sharing, the present study is designed to examine the effects of activity-travel context and individual latent attitudes on short-term car-sharing decisions under travel time uncertainty. The effects of all these factors were simultaneously estimated using a hybrid choice modeling framework. The data used in this study was collected in the Netherlands, 2015 using a stated choice experiment. Hypothetical choice situations were designed to collect respondents’ intention to use a shared-car for their travel to work. A total of 791 respondents completed the experiment. The estimation results suggest that time constraints, lack of spontaneity and a larger variation in travel times have significant negative effects on people's intention to use a shared-car. Furthermore, this intention is significantly associated with latent attitudes about pro-environmental preferences, the symbolic value of cars, and privacy-seeking. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd



Dependent variable Mode choice (Owned car, shared car, PT)
Model type integrated choice and latent variable
Sample size 791.0
R2 nan
Adjusted R2
Pseudo R2 (nan) nan
AIC nan
BIC nan
Log-likelihood at zero -10428.03
Log-likelihood at constants nan
Log-likelihood at convergence -5364.32
Variable Coefficient p-value
Waiting time for a mode to become available -0.032 0.0
Access time (minutes) -0.048 0.0
Mean travel time (minutes) -0.032 0.0
Standard deviation of travel time (minutes) -0.047 0.0
Owned car
Variable Coefficient p-value
Time pressure (1: must arrive in 60 min, -1: no time pressure) -0.082 0.021
Activity duration unplanned (hours of variation in activity duration, e.g. 8 +/- 1.5) -0.137 0.025
Fuel cost (euros/km) 0.909 0.125
intrinsic preference for driving 0.369 0.0
pro-environmental attitudes -0.398 0.0
symbolic value of car 0.059 0.134
privacy-seeking 1.641 0.0
ASC 3.003 0.0
Standard deviation of random panel effect 2.867 0.0
Owned car/Shared car
Variable Coefficient p-value
Parking cost (euros) -0.074 0.0
Public transport
Variable Coefficient p-value
Fare (euros/km) -1.758 0.004
Shared car
Variable Coefficient p-value
Time pressure (1: must arrive in 60 min, -1: no time pressure) -0.246 0.0
Activity duration unplanned (hours of variation in activity duration, e.g. 8 +/- 1.5) 0.059 0.506
Fuel cost (euros/km) -1.443 0.078
Distance-based cost (euros/km) -0.104 0.895
Time based cost (euros/hour) -0.147 0.0
intrinsic preference for driving 0.017 0.754
pro-environmental attitudes -0.194 0.056
symbolic value of car -0.141 0.008
privacy-seeking 1.756 0.0
ASC -0.393 0.299
Standard deviation of random panel effect 2.431 0.0
intrinsic preferences for driving
Variable Coefficient p-value
gender (1: female, -1: male) -0.501 0.0
age (years) 0.003 0.578
education (1: high, -1: low) -0.019 0.837
income (euros/month) 0.008 0.899
standard deviation 2.104 0.0
Variable Coefficient p-value
gender (1: female, -1: male) -0.085 0.008
age (years) -0.005 0.031
education (1: high, -1: low) -0.051 0.204
income (euros/month) -0.027 0.26
standard deviation 0.618 0.0
pro-environmental attitudes
Variable Coefficient p-value
gender (1: female, -1: male) 0.089 0.063
age (years) 0.004 0.206
education (1: high, -1: low) 0.088 0.108
income (euros/month) 0.019 0.6
standard deviation 1.156 0.0
symbolic value of car
Variable Coefficient p-value
gender (1: female, -1: male) -0.048 0.46
age (years) -0.016 0.0
education (1: high, -1: low) -0.041 0.593
income (euros/month) 0.117 0.018
standard deviation 1.88 0.0

The Attitudes and Travel Database is produced with support from the Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks at Arizona State University, a University Transportation Center sponsored by the US Department of Transportation through Grant No. 69A3551747116.
